Dreamhouse is a 2-act theatrical song cycle for 5 women, based on the poetry of Barbara Decesare, and co-conceived with and directed by Ari Laura Kreith. It was produced as part of the 6th Annual Midtown International Theatre Festival in 2005.
The audio clips are from the demo recording.
Sometimes the stars are in line, and in a little black-box theatre on the fringe of the Great White Way a truly amazing piece of theatre finds the spark of true imagination, blended with professional craftsmanship. There was terrific artistry in this Dreamhouse, a rare and wonderful thing.
Michael D. Jackson, Off-Off-Broadway review
Wolfson’s task was not an easy one. DeCesare’s texts are mostly free verse or prose, rarely rhyming, often with complex phrasing. He does an admirable job of elucidating the words without overpowering them.
David Fuller, nytheatre.com
DeCesare’s writing is clever and highly original, and in its rhythms and repetitions projects a true universality. Her wordplay delightfully ties up words, phrases, and ideas in bows and knots, and unraveling their meaning is as much fun as listening to the performers speak and sing them. …Wolfson’s music… feels right for nearly every poem, and gives Dreamhouse a varied and constantly surprising landscape of musicality.
talkin’ Broadway
Dreamhouse is available for performance. Please contact David Wolfson for a full demo CD, script or score.
Buy sheet music and demo recordings from Dreamhouse at www.repertwa.com (search term “Dreamhouse”).